packing today. I hate packing. For so many reasons, I absolutely despise
packing. I don't like leaving a place I've gotten comfortable in. I hate saying
goodbye. The finality of putting everything in bags and boxes is incredibly
stressful. The list of things to do before leaving is always endless, never all
ticked off, always of utmost importance.
And it
drives me crazy when all my stuff gets jumbled together.
All the
clean things touch the not-so-clean things, and the not-so-clean things touch
the not-so-dirty things and the dirty things, and everything gets squished
together into boxes and suitcases. Then the boxes and bags get dragged all over
the floor, then outside, and then touch each other in the car, and whoever is
packing handles it all and then touches door knobs and handles and shoes and
hand bags and maybe even the baby's car seat, or the baby....
I do my
best to keep on top of it all. I pack the 'dirty' stuff on its own, in
disposable bags that can be thrown away at the other end. I arm myself with
Ziploc bags: everything 'very clean' goes into its own Ziploc. But I don't have
enough Ziplocs for all the 'just clean' stuff, so that ends up touching the
'not-so-clean' stuff. My frustrated mind accuses and whirrs excitedly: when I
unpack, I probably won't wash my hands between touching the outsides of the
plastic bags and taking the 'very clean' items out... or at least, I shouldn't.
And no
matter how quickly I zip around the house or how frantically I talk and explain
what can't touch what, or even how fast I do or don't wash my hands between all
the categories of 'clean' and 'not-so-clean,' there is no way I will preempt
every possible packing/touching faux-pas that my poor husband will, very
innocently, make.
And that,
my friends, is why I hate packing.
But you survived! And everyone's okay :-) LOVE YOU!