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Sunday, 3 November 2013

I Am Slowly Going Crazy....

I just re-read that title... I should be offended at myself! ;) It's just that I've had that song in my head all day. If you aren't familiar, it's a little Sharon, Lois and Bram song from my childhood:


Now you have it in your head! You're welcome.

It's one of those days... My precious, darling, baby girl did not get the memo. She did not get the memo that it was the end of daylight savings time (C'mon, Kiddo, an extra hour of sleep would have been wonderful!) She also did not get the memo that it would be a snow day. We got 30+ cm of snow (that's about 12 inches for you Americans) here since yesterday, and it's still falling (although much less now). So taking her outside is pretty well out of the question. Our stroller is pretty amazing, but I'm not sure that even it would manage in that amount of snow. 

So little miss ball of energy has been unstoppable today! She managed to break a glass bowl put nicely out of her reach, dump a glass of water all over her lunch, the solution to which required putting her safely on the floor, where she proceeded to spread her sticky-icky hands all over my freshly washed floor. And then she learned to climb!

So we moved on to sorting Mom's recipes... yeah- that didn't last very long either:

Now she's napping and I just finished shoveling those 30 cm of snow off our sidewalk. Today I am grateful we do not have a driveway! That was the wettest, heaviest snow I have ever shoveled, I think.

Okay, so the point of this post wasn't just to share cute pictures of my daughter and a silly song. The point is that - while the day isn't over and it is possible I'll melt into a ball of anxiety later this evening (that still happens)- I'm functioning at a high enough level to deal with N.'s antics and I have the energy to shovel all that snow. My cheeks are pink, my arms are sore, but my heart is glad in my Lord!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I actually watched the video. It starts slow, but the ending is quite amazingly crazy!
