
We are not trained mental health practitioners. This site is not a helpline. While we do try to respond to comments, we are not always online. If you are in distress or worried about someone you know, please call your local emergency line (911) or a crisis hotline (1-800-273-TALK).

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Gentle, Gentle

We always tell our babies "Gentle, gentle."

Deep breath.

Please be gentle.

We want this to help others, so we have to let it go.

Maybe the worst tragedy of struggling with battles like these would be if NOTHING good ever came of it. Knowing our God, we are certain that will not be the case (Romans 8:28). Hopefully this blog will be part of the good.

Christie here: I've been thinking about letting this blog go for a while now. I've let the net out slowly, first with A. then J., then the rest of my family. It seems as though the general consensus is that I should make this public. I'm shaking a little bit inside, but I know how much something like this - support from someone going through the same situations- would have helped me, so here I go.  If you can only read a little bit here are three posts I think would sum up what I've been going through for the last several months. These are my most vulnerable posts. Gentle, gentle.

1) The Why
2) Yet another breaking point
3) Ambivalence

J: My battle was never really a secret: the panic attacks were too obvious, the constant terror too clearly etched on my face and in my body language. I discovered that more people understood than I expected, and that it doesn't help myself or anyone else to keep my struggles secret. I didn't tell everyone, but if someone asked how I was doing, I was honest about it. Many people were helpful. Some were not. Many had been through something similar, and recognized the look on my face, the tension in my body. Others did not understand, but tried to understand, and offered their help. I was tremendously blessed. I want to pass some of that blessing along to others, and hope to do that through this blog.

My introductory post is here:

1)It's Me, Not OCD

And although it's a bit long, if you want to know how my brain works on OCD, the following would be the best post to read:

2) Fish and Fear

Also, take a look at our All about us page for a little more information on who we are and a quick summary of what our journeys have been like.

Blessings from both of us!

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