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Thursday, 10 October 2019

Recovery Series: Part 1-Getting Past Perfectionism

I have my hands full--and my heart full. A new baby girl, lily's been given a new diagnosis (more on that likely to come), a new job, fundraising, traveling, unpacking and setting up in a new apartment…. will life ever slow down? Maybe not? 

I have many more ideas for this blog as life pushes my brain in different directions of learning, and I want to share it all, but there is never enough time. 

In the meantime, I’ve been sitting on a series about recovery--mostly a personal account of my recovery, but with hopefully some ideas that could be helpful to others on the journey. And I've had a bunch of little nudges lately to put it out there. So here goes.

I’m excited--and nervous--to finally be going ahead with this series I’ve been planning and working on for years. I’ve probably waited too long, but I never felt ready to put it out there. I still don’t feel ready to be honest, but I am learning to fight the perfectionist tendency that has me waiting until I have every wandering duck neatly in a row.

Let me just say from the outset that I absolutely acknowledge that the recovery process is unique to every individual. Still, I’m convinced that someone struggling with illness or watching a loved one struggle can be encouraged and informed by hearing about what worked for someone else. I know such stories from others encouraged me.

I also hope to take some of the fear of the unknown out of the idea of recovery. I remember when I was at my worst point, contemplating therapy and the kind of work it was going to take to recover, and I felt more overwhelmed than I’d ever felt in my life. The task, viewed from the bottom, seems insurmountable. Just remember, you only have to take one step at a time….

Which is how I’ll be taking this series. Until next time,


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